Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Cover your resume with a letter and add value to it

A detailed resume sans cover letter is good for nothing. A resume is a raw document that lists achievements and skills possessed by the CV holder. When you apply for a vacancy, you send your resume but little do you know that the employers expect more than the CV. 

How to apply for a vacancy?

When you have a job opportunity and you know that your academic qualification and work experience match perfectly with the job, you should be very careful in your approach. You should first write a cover letter for the resume. Target the post you are applying for in the letter; mentions your strengths and how your CV matches with the post. The employer should be able to see what you want him to see.

Value of a cover letter

While most jobseekers don’t understand value of a cover letter, HR managers and consultants want the jobseekers to send their resumes with cover letters. It is also learnt that people take the cover letter lightly. They rely more on their CVs but little do they know that employers first look at cover letters.

How to write a cover letter?

Write a cover letter every time you are applying for a work opportunity. When you are looking for job listings in Halifax, you look at the requirement for the posts. You keep those requirements in mind and match your CV with the posts to find job listings in Ottawa matching with your CV. Once you have shortlisted the vacancies you are eligible for, you start sending your resume for those posts.

Online jobs have an advantage that is you can keep sending your resume as you find opportunities matching with your CV. Here you can use a cover letter for every post and it is a mistake. You need describing why you are a suitable candidate for the post you are applying for. The employers will determine suitability of your CV from the cover letter and not from the CV. You should take interest in writing cover letter instead of taking it as a necessary responsibility.

Take lessons from others

You can find many ways of writing cover letter from the web. It is an important part of resume and you shouldn’t take it lightly. Also the cover letter shouldn’t contain information provided in the resume. It should have the info that adds value to the info on the resume. For more information Job listings in Calgary.

For more information job seekers canada.  

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